WOD 08112022
at WOD - by queironcrossfit
A. STRENGTH: Pull Ups 5-5-5-5-5 B. For Time: 20 Chest 2 Bar 40/32 Cal 80 V-Ups 40/32 Cal 20 Chest to Bar
A. STRENGTH: Pull Ups 5-5-5-5-5 B. For Time: 20 Chest 2 Bar 40/32 Cal 80 V-Ups 40/32 Cal 20 Chest to Bar
A. STRENGTH: Strict Press 5 x 2 @86%+ B. AMRAP 9′ 15 Deadlift (50/35kg) 10 Box Jump 5 Push Press
FRIDAY TEAMS: For Time: 1200m Run 100 Sync T2B 60 Sync HSPU 20 Sync Clusters (60/40)
ENDURANCE: Every 5′ x 4 rounds: 1) 1000/800m Row 2) 65/40 cal Assault Bike 3) 1000/800m Ski erg 4) 75 Burpees
A. STRENGTH: Back Squat 5 x 2 @86%+ B. EMOM 9′ 1) Sorensen Hold 2) Wall Sit Hold 3) Hollow Hold
A. WEIGHTLIFTING: Power Snatch Every 75″ x 10′: 2 @65%+ B. For Time: 50 Power Snatch Unbroken (60/40)* * Every Time you drop the bar, 20m Bear Hug Carry (70/50kg)
A. WEIGHTLIFTING: Power Clean EMOM 10′: 1 @65%+ B. In a 10′ Window 60/42 (cal) Row 100 Double-unders + AMRAP in the remaining time 12 Deadlifts @ 70/47.5kg 9 Hang power cleans 6 Shoulder to overheads
ENDURANCE For Time: 20 Pulls on the Rower 15 Wall Balls *Row until you accumulate 2000/1600m
A. STRENGTH: Deadlift 5 x 3 @84%+ B. 3 Rounds 20-30s/side Single-arm ring plank 8-12 Strict hanging leg lifts 20-30s/side Front rack + Suitcase carry
A. STRENGTH: Strict Press 5 x 3 @84%+ B. 3-4 Rounds: 10/ Side Kneeling Pallof Press 10/Side Bottom Up Kb Press
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